Sunday, May 11, 2008

Working on my accent and fluidity

By Jordan Nelson
Learning Spanish can be hard work! That's why I've been stepping it up a notch lately so that I will be prepared when I step off the plane into Madrid. When it comes to comprehension, I do pretty well and can understand almost everything. However, when it comes to speaking, it's horrible! I fumble around, stutter, and grasp desperately for the right words. I've created this video of me reading a bit in Spanish. If you speak Spanish, I ask that you please leave me some commentary on how I sound and what I can do to be understood better. I am looking to one day perfect my accent, and wish for it to sound as natural in possible to Madrid, so if you can also comment on how my accent sounds regionally, I would be much obliged. Thanks, and don't laugh at me! :)


EuroMadrid said...

Hey Jordan,
You're looking and sounding good. An acquaintance of mine in Buenos Aires has a Spanish pronunciation blog. Check it out when you get a chance.

Asher Griffin said...

i took two years of i think it sounds great.

Jordan said...

Thanks euromadrid; I'll definitely check it out!

And thanks for the support, Asher.

Unknown said...

Hey mate
Jonk from the forum here

Couldnt watch your video for some reason but the last time I watched one of your videos ... I made it my goal to be like Perro Callejero

Sounds stupid but it's true, I actually did mentally make that goal ;)

Keep up the blog I will be so fascinated to read it!

I'll be arriving in Madrid on Aug 19 or 20 I think but shooting off pretty quickly to either Lisbon or Sevilla, havent figured out the details so much yet ;) Coming back to Madrid for 12 weeks September 15

I've added you to my feed reader but it'd be great to have you on msn if you want - matjnewton-(a)-hotmail

Jordan said...

Thanks for the nice comments Matthew; I'm flattered!

It's a shame our paths won't cross in Madrid, but have fun in Spain! I haven't been to Lisbon, but I certainly recommend Sevilla!

Good luck.

Aorijia said...


¡Tu acento es bastante bueno! Todo en la vida es mejorable, así que aquí van mis sugerencias:

a) Ten cuidado con la "r" simple: Tiendes a pronunciar una r múltiple. Te recomiendo que practiques con pares de palabras, como caro/carro.

b) Ten cuidado con las "d" intervocálicas. Hazlas más claramente. Por ejemplo, en una de tus primeras frases parece que dices "hola a toros" en vez de "hola a todos".

Éstas eran mis observaciones con respecto a tu pronunciación. Creo que si pules estos dos aspectos mejorará MUCHO tu dicción.

Además, quiero recordarte que usar el sujeto en español es muchas veces redundante, ya que la información sobre el sujeto suele estar contenida en el verbo. Por eso, aunque algunas de tus oraciones sean correctas gramaticalmente ("yo soy el perro callejero..."), suenan poco naturales.

Esta es mi aportación; espero que te haya sido útil. Saludos.


Jordan said...

Muchas gracias, Olga! Tus recomendaciones me han ayudado mucho!